Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I've regained access to this account and with NO help from Google!

I gave them everything they could possibly want to know about me and more and yet they still refused to give me access to my account. Today I was unpacking and found something that led me to try again, and after a few attempts I got back in!

I'm going to be moving things to a new blog. I'll post back soon with more details.


Saturday, October 16, 2010




Custom Internet Explorer Title

This is an old Windows trick you might already know, I've been meaning to post this for years now.

Open up NotePad and copy and paste the following into it (edit the title), then save it as ietitle.reg and double click it to import it into the registry. Open up Internet Explorer & Enjoy :)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
"Window Title"="Cash reward for the safe return of my hard drive if found call 555-555-5555"

A couple years ago I was downloading a few mame roms from a site called dohgames, I wasn't happy with the the download system in place, it meant too much waiting and clicking just to get a single rom. So I dissembled the site, and wrote a script to download the games much faster.

It's sloppy and could be cleaned up a bit, but it worked and was all I really needed.

As usual I began by deconstruction of the url;
The website the files were hosted on.

The Directory where the files were stored.

The php script that managed the downloads.
Open in Notepad or another text editor to see how it works, and what files & directories it calls to.

The id of the Rom I was downloading.

The System of the Rom I was downloading, in this case Mame.

I then did a few simple tests to findout just how many id's were in the data base.
In this case I found that an id of 1 - 5169 worked.


A quick wget string would fetch the file fine:
wget -nd -p -np -t2 -k -a default.log -nv,.exe,.rar,*mame* ""

Now to download them all just use a variable in place of the url and have a list of all urls you want to download contained within a text file. has sadly closed it doors after 6 years of service, but the same method used in this post can be applied to other sites.

I've used it successfully on a few sites, though some more complex then others due to security measures in place.

Friday, June 4, 2010

RailWorks - Error: Missing File "GameManager.dll" (FIX)

After installing RailWorks for PC I got the following error when trying to test the video:
Error: Missing File "GameManager.dll"

This was easily fixed.

If you experience this error when trying to test the display settings of RailWorks?, or when attempting to run RailWorks?, please follow these instructions:

1] Navigate to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\railworks\Install\DirectX9
2] Double Click on DXSETUP.exe
3] Follow any instructions to complete the installation

If you still have problems and you're using an NVIDIA Graphics card use the NVIDIA PhysX System Software. Otherwise, ensure you have correctly installed all software and rebooted your machine.

7900GTX Hacked to Quadra FX5500

I recently built myself another Hackint0sh system, my 7th if I recall correctly.
This time I picked up a cheap system off of Craigslist. I wasn't happy with the ATI card used in the system so I picked up a ASUS EN7900GTX King King Edition PCI-e Video Card.

It turned out to have more issues then the ATI card, so rather then buying a new card, I decided to use one of Aqua-macs rom files to flash the card to something more compatible.

The rom I used was "POV 7900 GTX 512 PCIe to Nvidia Quadro FX 5500 512 Modified Rom For Hackintosh OSX 86". It works great! No issues whatsoever.

For those unfamiliar with the Quadra series, the FX5500 is a $3,000 Card.

Checkout Aqua-macs site for more rom files and guides.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

iPhone 3G 02.30.03 Baseband Downgrade [How To]

After testing phasebanddowngrader by pH and not having any success I decided to skip using his script and start fresh using the GeoHotz method, the end results were success! I have therefore decided to write my own script, as I felt pH left out some important features from his. I also tried "DownBB" with no success, and felt that there was not enough documentation for any of these tools.

The posts in the comments by users that tried and failed seemed to support my theory.

I will have a much more detailed guide for those that wish to downgrade.

Please keep in mind this is only for iPhone 3G's running the 2.2.1 (5H11) Firmware with the 02.30.03 BaseBand, and the 5.08 (5.8) Boot Loader. Don't worry, I will go over how you can find all this out.

3G Downgrade Pro is quite simple, and I plan to continue working on improving it further. I'm currently working on a GUI version, but this release has already been delayed for over 2 weeks as it is, so I'm releasing this version first.
I have tested this software thoroughly to ensure a smooth release but I somehow expect some users may encounter issues, if this is the case, please report the errors or any questions/difficulties you are having to me.
(My Downgrader Shown)

It seems w1kedz and DHowett have worked together and created a GUI BaseBand Downgrader, and it will be released today via CYDIA in BigBoss's repo (I assume)

Congrats to the both of them!
If it works fine and I don't see any issues, I won't release mine. However if I do find some issues, I may at that point release my downgrader.